Free and Easy Way to Create Stunning Photo Splits for Instagram

Free and Easy Way to Create Stunning Photo Splits_


In today’s visually-driven world, having a standout Instagram profile is crucial. One of the most popular trends is creating a photo split, where a single image is divided into multiple parts, creating a mosaic or grid layout on your profile. This technique not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your feed but also draws more attention and engagement from followers. In this guide, we will show you how to use the PhotoGrid app to quickly and easily create and post photo splits on Instagram.

Table of Contents

Steps to Create Photo Splits Using PhotoGrid

Step 1: Head to "Split" and Import Your Photo

Navigate to the “Split” feature in PhotoGrid. This tool allows you to divide your photo into multiple parts. Import the photo you want to split. Choose a high-resolution image for the best results.

Step 2: Adjust and Preview

Adjust the size and layout to ensure each part is exactly how you want it. You can choose from various grid options (e.g., 3×1, 3×2, 3×3) depending on how many segments you want. PhotoGrid provides a preview feature so you can see how the segments will look once posted on Instagram.

different split layput options

Step 3: Save and Post

Save the split images to your device or share them directly to your social media. One of the key advantages of using PhotoGrid is that it provides a posting guide. This guide ensures that you post each segment in the correct order to achieve the desired mosaic effect.

posting guide for sharing photo splits

Tips for an Effective Photo Split

To make the most out of your photo split, consider the following tips:
  • Choose High Quality Image: High-resolution images with a central focus work best.

  • Consistent Theme: Maintain a consistent theme or color palette across your profile for a cohesive look.

  • Post in Order: Follow the posting guide provided by PhotoGrid to avoid mixing up the segments.

  • Engage with Followers: Use captions to create a narrative or ask questions to engage your audience.


Creating a photo split for your Instagram profile has never been easier, thanks to the powerful features of PhotoGrid. This free and user-friendly app simplifies the process, ensuring your feed stands out with minimal effort. Download PhotoGrid now and explore the world of photo splits! Follow our guide to start creating stunning photo splits today and watch your engagement soar.